The Multimodal Language & Literacy Narrative Assignment
This assignment will be broken up into two parts: a Written Language and Literacy Narrative (WLLN) and a Spoken Language and Literacy Narrative (SLLN).
WLLN: 2.5 – 3 Pages | SLLN: 2.5 – 3 Minutes
Due Dates
First FULL draft of your WLLN: Sept. 18, 2023
First FULL draft of your SLLN: Sept. 20, 2023
FINAL draft of SLLN: Sept. 27, 2023
FINAL draft of WLLN (with cover letter): October 4, 2023
PORTFOLIO VERSION of WLLN(with cover letter): Dec. 15, 2023
Assignment Prompt
For this assignment, you will compose two separate yet interconnected language and literacy narratives: one delivered in writing, and one delivered in speech. You’re asked in this assignment to zoom into a particular moment from your life.
- What moments stand out to you when it comes to how you use language and literacy?
- Can you recall any family, cultural, or social events related to reading or writing that you found enlightening, encouraging, awkward, challenging, or unjust?
- A key language or literacy moment when positive or negative emotions soared, where you struggled or triumphed?
- An object or artifact that serves as a memory of a place, activity, or person connected to your language and literacy development?
Written Language & Literacy Narrative
Assignment Details
Your written narrative should be 2.5-3 pages and must contain:
- A carefully crafted and revised story of a specific moment, event, or experience.
- Vivid details that draw your readers into the scene. To elaborate, imagine a scene in a novel, film, to television show. Provide the colors, sounds, and smells of the world you are creating. Remember, as well, that dialogue is an excellent way to involve a reader so attempt to recreate any conversations that were a part of your language moment (they need not be entirely accurate).
- Three (or more) materials and media to support your narrative, such as pictures of artifacts, images, links, video clips, quotes, sound bites, etc. (As all of your major assignments will be placed on a WordPress site you develop, so creating multimodal texts is important.)
- Your interpretations of the larger social significance of the event chosen. (After all, our individual narratives reflect larger trends in society, history, where you grew up, and identities like gender, race, culture, linguistic background, and ability. (Your interpretations may be explicitly included in your narrative or implied. But if left implied, be sure to be explicit about these connections in your Cover Letter.)
- In connecting your literal moment to larger social themes, consider the following questions: Do you think you are the only person to have had this experience? If not, why not? Do you think others can relate to your narrative? What does it mean that others might share your experience?
Cover Letter
Your Written L&L Narrative should be preceded by a Cover Letter when you submit the final version. Refer to the Cover Letter assignment sheet.
Spoken Language & Literacy Narrative
Assignment Details
You will present some version of your language and literacy narrative to the class. The purpose is for you to practice getting comfortable speaking to a group and for everyone to get to know each other a little better.
Content and Format Options
- read your favorite lines from your written narrative and explain the significance
- write an entirely new narrative
- reenact a moment from your language and literacy past
- read/perform lyrics that you or someone else wrote that captures something about your language/literacy identity.
- This is a project where you can indulge your creativity and display your talents for music, photography, design, filmmaking, spoken word, etc.
- Your SLLN should be no longer than 3 minutes
- Include the use of 1 (or more) multimodal aide(s) like photos/objects, text, music, or presentation slides.
- Be delivered “live” in class OR presented as a a pre-recorded video (just please email the file to your instructor 24 hours in advance).
Remember who your audience is (your classmates and instructors) and tailor your presentation to fit the audience and context of the assignment.
Additional Information
Personalize Your Narrative
THE MOMENT you choose to write about forms the basis of your literacy narrative, so it should be a subject matter that you are comfortable sharing.
THE REFLECTIONS you include in your narrative or cover letter are important. They will help readers make sense of the moment’s significance and implications.
THE DESIGN AND DELIVERY of your written and spoken narratives should be personalized as you see fit.
- You’re encouraged to carefully consider your tone and language choices. will your tone be triumphant, regretful, embarrassed, ironic, sad, or other? Consider what words will best express these feelings. Remember, too, that a narrative can change its tone as it progresses and it is richer for doing so.
- You’re welcome to use your “native,” “home,” or “other” languages, literacies, and ways of being as you so choose.
Assessment Rubric
1. Appropriate Focus and Rhetorical Effectiveness of the Written Narrative
How effectively does the written narrative provide 1-2 concrete examples and specific details of the writer’s language/literacy experiences? How effectively does the narrative attend to description? How effectively does the narrative appeal to the intended audience?
2. Explicit Commentary on Significance and Implications
How effectively does the written narrative highlight some central idea about a larger social significance? How well does the narrative implicitly or explicitly comment on the larger implications of the story, signaling connections to national trends or to the writer’s life, family, generation, gender, race, culture, linguistic background, ability, and/or geographic location?
3. Appropriate Focus and Rhetorical Effectiveness of the Spoken Narrative
How effectively does the spoken presentation draw classmates into the writer’s language/ literacy experiences? How effectively are the 3 minutes utilized?
4. Use of Multimedia
How effectively do the written and spoken narratives integrate multiples modes (not just speech vs. writing but also the use of pictures, images, objects, props, links, and music)?
5. General Requirements
Were all requirements for length and due date met?